About Us

About Us
It’s My Party has always been known for fun.
Some examples are the Board Meeting Amy had with her “balloon friends” to discuss upcoming store ideas. In addition, balloon classes for kids are held at the shop and it is a fun time for children and parents alike. The most popular class is the New Year’s Eve “Confetti Ball” class. The “Out The Door” videos are also fun as Amy takes viewers on a trip around the store on a Saturday morning to show them what’s going “Out The Door.” Amy even married her husband Brian in the store in the BIG BALLOON WEDDING! All their customers were invited! Amy and Husband Brian went to the WORLD BALLOON CONVENTION for their Honeymoon!
It’s My Party gained the attention of professionals in the balloon industry with their Out the Door videos and were then featured in a DVD called “The Realities of Retail.” Amy and Brian are passionate about balloons, fun, serving customers and coming up with new ideas to stay current and involved in the community.
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Let’s Plan
Have Fun!
Balloon classes for kids are held at the shop and it is a fun time for children and parents alike. The most popular class is the New Year’s Eve “Confetti Ball” class.